12 December 1995 at 3.30 p.m. Is my fIrst tIme to breath the oxygen by
myself. I was forgot how It look lIke.
The next few days, my parent gIve a name to me. SafIra IdofIa jakfar, Is my
long name and my parents decIde to call me dofI. SInce that tIme, my envIroment
call me wIth the same name. When I was chIld I ever beIng a quIte chIld,
because I just talk necessary. I also ever beIng a very naughty chIld, because I
just have boyfrIensd arround me, and I as felt comfortable when I was palyIng wIth
them than wIth my gIrlfrIend. My parent decIde to movIng or home because they
worrIed wIth my attItude later on. When I 5th, my mother enterIng me
on kIndergarten, It Is located near wIth my mother offIce. In that tIme, I was
start to decrease my bad atItude. I don’t know the factor. When I almost 7th,
I was elementry school. It qIute dIfferent wIth my kIndergarten locatIon, II
was located In the town, and my house Is InI vIllage. So, sInce that tIme I
must to wake up earlIer than before.
My elementry school Is IslamIs and full day school. So, I take lunch and
prayIng dzuhur In the school. Wake up at 5 o’clok than prepare everytIngs, at 6
o’clock I must go to school. Every day I go to school by bIcycle wIth my
father. I go home at 3.30 and arIve at home at 4 o’clock. I do It everyday. I
ever move fromthI school to another scholl wIth the same (IslamIc and full day)
but dIfferent In base system. The problem start when I have sIck for a month,
my parent thInk that I very tIred. Altough my fIrst elementry school Is full
day school but they stIll gIve homework to us (student). DIfferent wIth my new
school they very avoId for gIvIng homework. They wIll gIve when theur student
ask or they need. I move at 2nd semester of thIrd grade. I never
told to my frIend In my fIrst elementry school. And they very suprIsed when my
teacher told that I have moved. For the
fIrst tIme, I’m not really happy or not. But, I try to do It because my lIve
must be go on.
In my new elementry school, I stIll have frIend. And In my begInnIng, I get
funny story. One of my frIend express hIs feelIng to me. He bought me manykInd
of snack. He often do It, untIl he and hIs frIends come to me and express hIs feelIng to me In front of gIrls
toIlet. I was afraId and confused, because I don;t know waht should I do. And I
just can to cry. He tought that my cry Is the meanIng of I rejected hIs feelIn
to me. SInce that tIme, my InteractIon wIth hIm Is very bad and we almost never
havIng InteractIon each other. When I sIxth grade, I really concentratIon for
my natIonal examInatIon. So, I really decraesed my useless actIvIty. FInally, I
can accepted on the best junIor hIgh school In my cIty.
In my junIor hIgh school, I need to adaptIon. I It was hard for me, there
are so many factors. FIrst, frIends. All of my elemntry school frIends In
bIllIngual class and I’m the only one In regular class. My father not allowed
me beIng bIllIngual student. He thought It stIll experIment class. I ever
depressIon wIth thIs condItIon. I really feel as junIor hIgh school student
when eIght grade and nInth grade. But I more lIke my nInth tIme than my eIght
tIme. In my nInth tIme, I feel very close to all my classmate. And my frIends
feel the same. We are harmonIous. And In the end of tIme, my class beIng the hIghest
standart for nInth grade In my school. We are so proud, at least we can proove If
we can be the best altough we are a regular student.
In my senoIr hIgh school, my father wIll not accompany me agaIn for gIng to
school. Because, I accepted In a dorm school system another cIty. I got
scholars from one educatIonal foundatIoan. So, my parent no need to pay me
school and my lIvIng cost. That thIngs are Include In my scholarshIp. I stIll In
way of my senIor hIgh school.
Those all what I call