Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Election of Dormitory Committee

The atmosphere of Jakarta election also be felt by the students  in the Dormitory of SMAN 10 MALANG, Tlogowaru. If Jakarta election is for choosing the governor, the dormitory are choosing for the head of dormitory committee. This is an open election for all eleventh grader from the representative of each house. All of the captain house (grade eleventh) are the commission of this election.
There are several steps. Start with matriculation and end by the the real election. Based on the first schedule, all of the steps  will be completed within 15 days. However, the school only provides time about 10 days. So, some students confused with the new schedule and some of them just follow and lack of appreciation.
Beside that, this election is the first time in dormitory and use the good and fair system. Without being covered because all the information always shared to the students. The system is almost similar to the elections held by the government. For the teenagers ideas it is a excellent idea.
            The respons from the student so far is still positive. Because the commission never cover the fact or information. This election using the principle of selection is quite genuine elections are direct, free, confidential, honest, and fair. Good job for the commission  of election and congratulation for those who will be choosen by their friends. 

writer: S.Idofia
editor: R.Amalia

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